We have lift off.

Copywise is now up and at 'em as a Copywriting startup.
The eagle has flown.

Launched at last! For anyone that’s ever put a business together from scratch (or just thought about it), it can be a long time in the workshop before you build that shiny new rocket that will take you to the skies! Sometimes much longer than you’d think! So it’s fantastic to reach this milestone. From business plans, to reality, it’s all come down to one final push of a button. I’m incredibly excited to be opening Copywise as a Copywriting startup for trading and am extra-excited to be serving my assembled list of bright, brilliant and tremendously loyal clients, as well as welcoming new ones onboard.

Writing that’s about you.

Copywise is about you. I’m here for your goals and reaching them. What drives me is being a part of where your future successes live and grow. Implementing written material that ensures you get more attention, traction and results. That could be by building stronger work on top of what you already have. Or creating new exciting messaging and marketing concepts. This is a Copywriting startup that’s here to ensure your objectives are met and surpassed right from the get-go. Soon I’ll be sharing more material produced by Copywise (in my work section and here), as well as items that have truly outperformed – so stay tuned for that.

Writing without layers, for direct results.

As workplaces, businesses and markets get faster, it’s great to work directly with someone that gets it. Copywise is a Copywriting startup that assists you to professionally regardless of your business size to shape the kinds of messages you want to see. Working directly with you, I’m a writer that listens carefully, takes notes at the points others don’t and combs every fragment of documentation you share (carefully). My process factors in all the variables you have, so we find those informational nuggets of gold! The kind of rare finds that can lead to the results you want to see in maximising your opportunities.

A different Copywriting mindset, for a better outcome.

It’s true there’s lots of Copywriters right around Australia right now. However not a lot of them embrace new technology and media and can work nimbly with you. There’s many that write in one space only or are stuck in the past. Copywise as a Copywriting startup can work with your messaging front-to-back, and keep an eye on the latest. All the while taking the time to understand what you do and what you want to share. For me the jobs I do are fuelled on being effective and focused. So that we’re producing material that your customers, clients and stakeholders will want to reach for, click on, watch and read.

Thanks for being here.

That’s all from me for now, but thanks for stopping by. If you find services and ideas that interest you here, please reach out. If you think you might have something coming up project-wise next month or next year, ensure you bookmark this site for later, or just let me know so we can be ready to chat when the time is right. You’ll certainly see more in this news section as Copywise goes from being a Copywriting startup to a fully fledged business. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from anyone looking to get the most out of their written communications. If you’re in that mindset, then let’s get going. Together, we can smash it!


Gus at Copywise.