Bon Voyage! Tourism and Hospitality Copywriting here we come.

Copywise takes in a new view, wordsmithing in the apple isle. With Tassie Tourism and HR projects.
Look what just landed!

Copywise is excited to announce the arrival of new tourism and hospitality copywriting projects from Federal Group! (A round of applause, or at least polite golfing claps please!) Jokes aside, you might not have heard of Federal, but if you’re a proud Tasmanian or a regular traveller you will have. Many would recognise their countless hotels and brands. For Copywise, it’s fantastic to have a business of the stature of Federal step aboard and I’m thrilled to be working in what is such a genuinely fun industry sector. I mean, who doesn’t love to travel right?

Strong tourism and hospitality copywriting, for a diverse business.

The Federal organisation is Hobart-based and employs 2,400 people nationally, playing host to a broad range of operations across Hotels, Resorts, Gaming, Liquor Retail, Freight and much more. Many of the projects I’m looking at right now are in their infancy and when they come to complete fruition I will share the very best in the work section on the Copywise site. So keep an eye out for that!

Encouraging more guests, visitors and happy employees.

Everyone is back travelling right now, it’s business as usual and that’s fantastic for Australian tourism operators, as well as those specialising in outbound travel internationally. For Copywise, the objectives are firmly in the domestic space, with much of the tourism and hospitality copywriting work I’m doing aimed at assisting with digital, branding efforts in-market. That will encompass a range of digital assignments and some HR writing material as well.

Need enticing tourism and hospitality copywriting for your next project? Hit me up.

You might not know it, but I have a strong background in writing for tourism previously (amongst a swag of other things!) That means I could be a great asset on your future tourism and hospitality copywriting activity too! Previous work I’ve done includes Noosa Tourism, Grand Hyatt, Visit Victoria, Bicycle Network (famous for the Round The Bay In A Day Event) among many others – way too many to mention!

If you’d like to achieve your upcoming marketing goals with solid writing, stunning messaging and clever creative, then let’s head out over those mountains! I think you’ll find that together, we can smash it!


Gus at Copywise.