Quotes Australia-wide for Professional Copywriting Services.

For quotes or questions on your next professional Copywriting services project, fill the form below. Or reach out direct during office hours via phone or email – 8.30am – 6pm weekdays (AEST / AEDT). Gus is located in Melbourne’s East with great availability for Copywriting Australia-wide. He currently works with clients across New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Further states, territories and regional areas welcome. Variety is always great!

    What’s a typical price for Copywriting?

    In Australia and New Zealand, rates for professional Copywriting services can vary a lot. Anywhere from $70 p/hr or less for a newbie, to $250 p/hr for an experienced specialist is typical. To see what Copywise charge, just ask via the options above.

    What do you charge?

    Copywise charge mid-level prices. So nowhere near the high amounts stated above (below half that). Copywise is very competitive for an experienced, awarded Copywriter. Need actual numbers? Just ask via the options above.

    Need more answers? Go to Copywise’s main frequently asked questions page.