Copywriting FAQ.

Copywriting FAQ. Answered by a professional Copywriter.

All your big and small questions.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the creation of text, conceptual ideas and messaging (also known as ‘copy’, ‘concepts’ or ‘content’) for advertising, marketing and promotional purposes. Those that do Copywriting are called Copywriters. Copywriters often don’t just write websites or ads. They can do scripts, name your products and services, and create general information your company can share.

What is the point of Copywriting?

Copywriting’s main goal is to inspire action. This can be making sales, raising awareness, sharing useful information or persuading someone to a point of view. To do it well you need strong writing, research and proofreading skills (yes – even spellchecks get it wrong!) The ability to understand what drives and motivates people is important. And a good sense of humour doesn’t hurt either!

Are Copywriting and Content Writing the same?

Yes. Some Copywriters will call themselves Content Writers and vice versa but they are the same. ‘Content’ is used more frequently when describing Digital, Social Media and Website writing. Some Digital Content requires scripts, which are part of what good Copywriters and Content Writers do.

Why do I need a Copywriter?

A Copywriter knows how to expertly take your information, structure it, then present your brand, business, product or service in the best possible light for your target audience or potential customer. Getting a good copywriter is like having a brilliant tailor. They make you look amazing by measuring you up, shaping messaging around you, then presenting you in ways that add ‘wow’.

What’s a typical price for Copywriting?

In Australia and New Zealand, rates for Copywriting can vary a lot. Anywhere from $70 p/hr or less for a newbie, to $250 p/hr for an experienced specialist is typical. To see what Copywise charge, ask for a ratecard or quote here.

What do you charge?

Copywise charge mid-level prices. So nowhere near the high amounts stated above (below half that). Copywise is very competitive for an experienced, awarded Copywriter. Need actual numbers? Ask for a ratecard or quote here.

Do you quote hourly, daily or flat fee?

This can vary. If your job is small then half an hour or an hour is quoted. If the job is mid-large, you’ll get a quote with either a flat rate, or further detail on anticipated hours or days needed. Either way, you’ll see a full capped amount that is rarely exceeded.

Can I pay you ‘by the word’?

No, and most writers don’t accept payment this way. Being paid per word focuses on the quantity, not quality of words. It often results in rushed, low standard material. Copywise include time for things like feedback, so you’re 100% happy at the end.

Do you charge for changes?

Often they’re not needed, but every quoted job has changes included just in case. My process allows for a good level of feedback. As can happen, a first draft can get people thinking, so we allow improvements if needed.

Do you require a deposit to start?

Normally, no deposit is required. It can come down to the size of the job being booked. At the estimate stage I will let you know.

How long do you take to complete jobs?

Most work I do takes 2-3 days including smaller websites. Headlines and 1-2 page tasks are turned around in just a few hours depending on complexity. When you enquire and request any quote, I’ll let you know how long things will take and my availability.

How much lead time do you need to start?

Often I can start a task the next day, but it can depend. Have a preferred start date in mind? Just ask in your enquiry.

How can I tell if you’re fully booked?

If you don’t see a ribbon on the top of my site (above the menu) saying I’m fully booked, then I’m available. Even during large projects I have time in between to take enquiries, briefings and commence your work, so try me.

Can you work in parallel with a Designer I use?

Absolutely. And if you or your Designer has a rough layout, I can work spacially to that too. It makes things easier.

Can you provide my web developer or UX person with writing?

Yes. If a wireframe or page template design is ready to go, I can work to that or provide placeholder/rough text for you and your team to work with. I can also provide input/advice on best practice for content on any pages you require.

Do you do SEO?

I do SEO at a basic to intermediate level. I’m good at getting you started with appearing on Google and gaining initial organic web traffic. I can also populate your blog pages with great, helpful articles and searchable keyword terms that will lift visits to your site.

Are you an advanced SEO specialist?

No, I’m not. SEO at a high level requires serious investment in software programs, monitoring, reporting and analysis. If you are a large enterprise or have big goals to grow site numbers, I recommend you approach an SEO Agency or Web Developer – but use me to write your base text before their keywords go in on top. Your site will feel more human, approachable and user friendly.

Do you do Banners, Google Ads, Paid Social Ads and Boosted Posts?

Yes, I can write them for you and supply you with campaign ideas. However I don’t book, plan or analyse the media data. For that you need a Digital Media Agency. I can recommend people if required.

Do you have policies around confidentiality?

Yes. Trust is important. Our dealings always remain strictly confidential. Even if you’re just enquiring. I’m also happy to sign any Confidentiality Agreement or NDA you wish to put in place.

Who owns the copyright on your work?

On payment of your invoice, you own copyright completely, and I don’t charge extra for that.

If I need to change the brief or cancel, what happens?

If next to no time is spent, you won’t be charged a thing. If the work had hours spent (and a brief and estimate were agreed) then some hours may be payable. With situations like this, some flexibility will always be factored in.

Do you write for people in any country?

Right now I only write for those in Australia and New Zealand. If you have a project that needs an Australian writer or someone with my level of experience, still reach out, tell me what it’s about, and I’ll consider it.

Are you insured and government compliant?

Yes. Copywise is insured with Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance. The business has also been government-vetted and fulfilled State Government writing work in 2023/24. Gus has experience writing for Federal, State and Local governments.

Are you OK to sign non-compete agreements?

Yes. I work with a number of marketing businesses and suppliers, and regularly sign them. I value honest dealings and work transparently at all times.

Where are you located?

I’m located in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, in Victoria, Australia. Writing is not restricted by geography, so I have clients Australia-wide. If you’re in Melbs, we easily can meet up to discuss your needs, if not, we can easily chat online or on the phone.

What kind of copywriting do you do?

I write across all business, service and product categories. As well as media old and new.

What copywriting do you love doing?

Weirdly enough – long and complex stuff. I’m a sucker for a challenge! I also like doing brand work involving a central concept or storytelling. Things that involve humour, surprises and twists also float my boat. In addition, I’m also a bit of a history-buff, so writing profiles for companies, people and the evolution of products is something I really enjoy.

Are you a specialist in any particular area?

I’ve written across all areas, but if we’re talking industry sectors, then Finance, Property, HR Recruitment, Health and Retail are spaces I’m most experienced in – but I can do it all. My work page is a good place to start if you want to see what I’m capable of.

Do you work on pitches, proposals and tenders?

Yes, I do. And successful award submissions too. With tenders, just note I am not strictly a technical writer on all subjects, but am used to working in complex areas. So while working, I’ll lean on you/your team as subject matter experts and fact checkers.

Can you write directly into my website for me?

Yes. I do this often. Including sites built with WordPress, Wix, Webflow, Shopify, Squarespace and a range of others. I can work across lots of different CMS (Content Management Systems) for you.

Can you send me specific work samples?

Sure. Let me know your industry and the type of media you’d like to see and I’ll send you a PDF.

Can you write a free sample or do the first job free?

No, I don’t write for free. Just like a new gardener wouldn’t trim your rose bushes for free either! If you’re unsure about placing me on a big job initially, try a smaller paid item first. You’ll see what I can do, with awesome results. Give it a go here.

Hey! I have a question and don’t see it in your Copywriting FAQ?

Just ask via my contact page here. I’ll be thrilled to help!

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